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More Beyond Our Bubble

June 1, 2015
Civility Message

Dear Friends,

The Kingdom of Spain, located on the Iberian Peninsula of Southern Europe, is situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Somewhat arrogantly, Spain, during their superpower years, declared that land did not exist beyond its beaches. They, and most of Europe, accepted the notion that the world ended off their coastal waters. In fact, with a plethora of pride, they professed such with an inscription on their coins, Ne Plus Ultra: no more beyond! That is to say, there is nothing beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the Spaniards fervently believed.

Then a young Italian explorer with the blessing of King Fernando and Queen Isabella “discovered” that there was, in fact, a tremendously large world beyond. The King and Queen of Spain were of course, obligated to alter the etching on their coins by dropping "Ne". The coins now read, Plus Ultra, More Beyond!

It is very easy for Members of Congress and their staffs to unconsciously conclude that Washington is the center of the elliptical galaxy and Ne Plus Ultra, nothing beyond Washington. Similarly, we fall into tribal politics whereby we actually believe that we possess all the truth. It reminds me of Edmund Burke who said, “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as Juror of Truth and Knowledge is ship wrecked by the laughter of the gods.”

No matter where we legislate or develop policy, the proper inscription on our office door should read, “Plus Ultra,” more beyond this door.

Image removed.

Emanuel Cleaver, II
Member of Congress